My road to DrupalCon Amsterdam
Kristian Polso • September 26, 2014
Drupalcon Drupal 8 Drupal PlanetMy first trip to a DrupalCon is just about to start!
The yearly DrupalCon Europe is held in Amsterdam from 29th of September to 3rd of October 2014. There are a lot of sessions to be seen, wide array of sprints, social events and much more.
I am especially interested in sprints and will participate in them as much as I can (remember to sign up if you are coming!).
A lot of the sessions in the event also seem interesting. And of course, can't miss Dries's keynote. All of the sessions will be recorded so even if you can't make it there, you can still enjoy the selection of sessions.
If this is your first time in a DrupalCon, CTI Digital has written an excellent blog on how to prepare for it.
I will write a report after the DrupalCon about the best sessions and the general event atmosphere.
See you in DrupalCon!