Drupal 7

March 25, 2015

My talk on Drupal security in Drupal Days Milan

So I just came back from European Drupal Days in Milan. I had great fun at the event, it was well organized and filled with interesting talks. I'll be sure to attend it next year too! Image by...


January 7, 2015

Integrating Twitter feed to your Drupal site

Twitter API can be a major PITA sometimes, but luckily there are modules for Drupal that makes integrating it to your website easy. Twitter module (this tutorial uses 7.x-5.8 version)...


October 7, 2014

DrupalCon Amsterdam: The aftermath & sessions by track

So DrupalCon Amsterdam is finally over. The whole week was really action-packed, from start to finish. Some big news were dropped during the event. Drupal 8.0.0 beta 1 was released during the main...


August 20, 2014

How to create Drupal Commerce products programmatically

Sometimes you just need to get your hands dirty and start adding Drupal Commerce products programmatically. Luckily that is not that hard of an thing to do. Create a Product entity: //...


July 29, 2014

How to make language switcher links link to frontpage in Drupal 7

Drupal has a block called "Language Switcher", which displays links to different language versions of the current page/node. If the node does not have translated version on the specified language,...


July 5, 2014

How to keep product category active when viewing a product in Drupal Commerce

If you have your product categories-vocabulary in a menu, Drupal Commerce can't by default activate the active-trail when viewing a product node. This can be bad UX, since user has to remember from...


June 22, 2014

Allow classes and ids in the new CKEditor

One of the first things I usually need to do when installing a new Drupal site, is to change the settings in the new (version>4) CKEditor so that I can type classes and ids and not have them strip...


March 31, 2011

How to convert your Drupal 6 theme to a Drupal 7 theme

When migrating your Drupal 6 to Drupal 7, one of the most important issues is the theme. Luckily, the base of the themes in Drupal 7 haven't changed that much, so the conversion is pretty...
