September 26, 2014
My road to DrupalCon Amsterdam
My first trip to a DrupalCon is just about to start! The yearly DrupalCon Europe is held in Amsterdam from 29th of September to 3rd of October 2014. There are a lot of sessions to be seen, wide...
ReadAugust 20, 2014
How to create Drupal Commerce products programmatically
Sometimes you just need to get your hands dirty and start adding Drupal Commerce products programmatically. Luckily that is not that hard of an thing to do. Create a Product entity: //...
ReadJuly 29, 2014
How to make language switcher links link to frontpage in Drupal 7
Drupal has a block called "Language Switcher", which displays links to different language versions of the current page/node. If the node does not have translated version on the specified language,...
ReadJuly 15, 2014
Password protect your Drupal site with Shield-module
From time to time, there might arise a situation where you want to password protect your Drupal site. Maybe the site is under development, or you just want it to be available to a selection of...
ReadJuly 8, 2014
Fix Drupal Registry with Registry Rebuild
It has happened to all of us. You mistakenly remove a module directory or migrate your site and forget to include some necessary modules. This causes your Drupal site only to show the WSOD and...
ReadJuly 5, 2014
How to keep product category active when viewing a product in Drupal Commerce
If you have your product categories-vocabulary in a menu, Drupal Commerce can't by default activate the active-trail when viewing a product node. This can be bad UX, since user has to remember from...